Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Winter 2009 was a dark time for me. When things would get to be too much, I would set out into the night with a Nikon, Widelux, or a Holga. I just ran across these images from February 5th that I had totally forgotten about. Good dream or bad dream. Seems like when you wake up in the morning, you know that it was one or the other, but you can't remember the details.

That night, I had apparently set out (according to the EXIF data stored in the NEF files) with the Nikon D1h and my Russian Helios 44-M lens. True to Soviet logic, it's not a 44 mm lens but a 58 mm lens. And to top it off, it’s a Pentax M42 mount that I have to use an adapter to mount it onto the Nikon. The Helios is a rare earth glass wonder of Swiss technology that was ripped off by the Russians. And in 1970, they said "Come sue us. See what happens."

I must have been in a dark William Eggleston mood. Mostly store windows with no people around. Lonely, but more "Film Noir" than Eggleston.

I was walking by a bakery and saw a "guard cat" keeping sentry. Strange. Upon closer inspection, the cat is cuddling up to a photo of two dogs ripping into some kind of food. Could be a cat. Or not.

Photographing the window at Eddie's Trick Shop has become sort of a returning (not recurring) theme for me. Here's one where the bokeh of the light reflecting in the window is just awesome. The reflections in the lower left are unseen in real life.

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